Training Guides

Triathlon 101

Triathlons can be intimidating for the beginner (aka "newbie") triathlete. Solid training and access to the right information will help smooth the transition from mere athlete to triathlete!

Triathlon 101
Swim Training 101

To many, the swim is the hardest part! Stop being intimidated and enjoy the water with new confidence, techniques, tools, and workouts. Plus, LATC brings you the best swim coaches, resources, and free training sessions like our weekly Ocean 101 class.

Swim Training 101
Bike Training 101

Triathlon biking is not your typical ride. From endurance rides to all out sprints, this race segment is not one to be underestimated. Those new to the sport will want to pay particular attention to understanding equipment, proper equipment fit, and technique.

Bike Training 101
Run Training 101

While most athletes enter Triathlon with a running background, preparing for the last leg of the race is important both physically and mentally. Mental toughness, confidence, and technique win or lose the race.

Run Training 101

Coaching Recommendations

Choosing a coach is a personal decision and is often about finding just the right fit. Visit each of the following LATC coaches to learn who is perfect for you.

See all coaching staff HERE!