Read Diana Ramirez's tri journey...

How did you hear about LA Tri Club?

I first heard of LATC through my friend Julianne who invited me to Friday swim clinics in August 2021. I was training for my first triathlon and I was terrified of open water swims. Julianne said the swim clinics would help me get past my fear.

What got you interested in triathlon?
At the beginning of 2021 I decided to take my health back and began running at the Rose Bowl. A friend suggested I sign up for a race to keep me motivated. I decided to sign up for a triathlon because I naively thought, “swim, bike and run, how hard can it be?” I was in for a big surprise!

What was your first triathlon?
I signed up for Malibu Tri, Classic distance and it was the most challenging race I had ever done. A month later I signed up for Herbalife Tri and the rest is history! I am currently training for my first Olympic triathlon and I will be racing my first 70.3 in September. 

What is your favorite race and why? 

My favorite race so far was the Herbalife Tri. I’ve only done two so I don’t have much to compare to.

If you could pick three MUST HAVES / MUST DO'S on race day morning, what are they?
Race day must haves/ do’s are definitely a good breakfast (oats with peanut butter and berries), fuel during the bike ride, and a good stretch before the race. 

Have you been to any LATC events so far? 

Through the LATC I’ve met amazing people like The Mayor, Katie, Debbie and Paul who have been very kind and helpful. I enjoyed the Friday swim clinics and I am grateful that they had a beginner group for those of us who are just starting in the sport.

What has been the most difficult thing for you personally about training for triathlons? 
Open water swims have been the most challenging, but also the most rewarding. 

What do you do outside of your training?

Outside of triathlon trainings, I enjoy photography and activism work. I volunteer for a center that helps young girls who have been rescued from the sex trade. I am also activist for immigration reform and indigenous rights.