Latest Albums

Ian Murray's Cycling: A Deeper Look
Free clinic for LA Tri Club members; led by Head Coach, Ian Murray of Feb 2008


Feb First Thursday Social
Santa Monica

LATC Mental Side of Training
020508. LA Tri Club Presents The Mental Side of Racing & Training With LATC Founder & President, Paul Hekimian, entrepreneur and founder of and Siri Lindley: World class Triathlete, Coach, NBC commentator & Motivational Speaker: and Tim Bomba: creator of the Tri Club's Ocean 101, & Music Director for the 'What the Bleep do We Know' film series

Endurance Sports Awards
020208. LA Tri Clubbers attend the ESAs.

LATC Ride to San Diego 020208
LATC Rides to San Diego for the Endurance Sports Awards. 020208

Adventure Racing Clinic
012308. A Free member clinic was held for those interested in learning about AR racing. It was very rainy; so lots of no-shows, but those who made it are excited to take on a new multisport! Evan Hyde led the informational meeting and answered all kinds of questions.

LATC TriCHICKS Sunday Brunch
012008. The ladies of the LA Tri Club met at Jen Kramer's family home on a beautiful day to enjoy a brunch social.

011208. LA Tri Club's TriCHICKS took to PCH on a beautiful day.

TriChicks @ sporteve
100908. Ladies of the LA Tri Club met to talk about programs and goals for the season.

LATC TriCHICKS Mtg & LATC Tires & Tools Clinic
LA Tri Club members gathered on Jan 6th at TriLAB for a TriCHICKS info meeting followed by an all LA Tri Club Free Tires & Tools clinic.