Swim Event

Ocean Speed Circuit

The world famous Weds. AM Ocean Speed Circuit, back for its sixth year! We put two cones in the sand. We start at one cone, swim out to a buoy roughly 250 yards from shore, round the buoy, and then swim in to shore. Run up the beach to the second cone, and head back to the starting cone. That completes the triangle. Participants do between one and five loops depending on their speed and desired length of workout. Bonus runs - Many people also run afterwards. Two main options: • 4-mile run afterwards, 2 miles out-n-back to the end of the Venice Pier http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1860981 • 5-mile run, 2.5 out-n-back to Ocean & San Vicente http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1860985 Water temp - ranges from below 60 in mid-April to low-70's in mid-summer. Check www.watchthewater.org for current conditions. Surf - ranges from flat as a lake to big & beefy. Check www.wetsand.com for surf reports. Parking - You have a few parking options. Parking is $2/hour at the parking lot starting at 7:00 AM when it opens. Or you can park for free at the meters on Ocean Park Ave. about 200 yards away. We have athletes ranging from total beginners to Kona-bound professionals and everyone in-between. We average about 120-150 swimmers per week at our peak. You do NOT need to be a member of LA Tri Club. Everyone is welcome! And you don’t email me asking for permission if you can come. You don’t need to worry that no one will be there. Just show up. Seriously.

Ocean Park, Santa Monica, where Ocean Park Blvd. meets Barnard Way. Here's a map link that shows where we park, walk out to the water's edge and then swim our circuits: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1773243 Directly adjacent to the parking area towards the beach are two concrete restroom structures. Between then is a wooden boardwalk that leads out to the sand. Directly out from that boardwalk is Lifeguard Tower 26. That's where we start. Or just look for 100 people in wetsuits.
  • Swim
  • Date:
    May 5, 2010
  • Add to Calendar:

  • Frequency:
    Weekly event on Wednesdays
    April 28, 2010 - Sep 26, 2010
  • Start Time:
  • Level:
    Beginner Intermediate Advanced
  • Where:
    Santa Monica
  • Everyone