Latest Albums


Great Race of Agoura Hills

Tons of clubbers came out to volunteer and to race at the Great Race of Agoura Hills 2009


April First Thursday

Monthly socials.


LATC Spring Camp 2009

Over 50 LATCers headed to Lake San Antonio to take part in our 2nd Annual Spring Training Camp there.


LATC TriCHICKS Film Project

Liz Kollar wanted to create a film of the LATC rides + TriCHICKS rides... so, we all came out to help!


March First Thursday 2

More pics from a monthly First Thursday social


March First Thursday

Monthly LATC Socials


Pasadena backwards tri

LATCers are always out in force for the Pasadena Triathlon, it's a backwards sprint around the rose bowl. Awesome.


Lance Armstrong: Hope Rides Again

LA Tri Clubbers were invited to take part in Lance Armstrong and NIKE's event HOPE RIDES AGAIN which closed off Sunset Blvd for two miles.


Core Performance Ctr Core Clinics

Sponsor: Core Performance Center held a series of three CORE CLINICS for LATC members


Bike Basics

Training Director TINA GELLER led a talk about Bike Basics at a Warehouse Open House


LATC TriCHICKS Hill Series Ride #1

The first LA Tri Club TriCHICKS Hill Ride of the season. These rides are led by fearless leader LIZ KOLLAR and her ride leader passe including Tina Geller, D'Llynda Fisher, Stella Tong and Lori Christensen.


Craig Alexander @ LATC

2008 Ironman World Champ, Craig Alexander, spoke to over 150 LA Tri Club members at our first meeting of the year.

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It’s easy to share your LATC photos with your fellow members. Here’s how:



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Tag them with a unique tag that reads like this (all run together): LATriClubEventNameDate

Befriend Paul Hekimian through flickr, so when he sees your new LATC photos, he can associate them with our site.


Have questions? Email - THANK YOU for sharing your photos with LATC!